- Rocketchat vs mattermost full#
- Rocketchat vs mattermost free#
Documentation is a bit confusing and difficult for a newbie to understand. Large number of users (estimated between 100 000 and 3 000 000). Authentication methods are pluggable (email, tokens, SSO). Can be integrated with existing communication services. Offers a huge range of different clients. CommonMark formatting, supports syntax highlighting, coloring, file/image attachments. Supports message editing and revocation, supports message reactions (emoticons). Supports different kinds of communication (direct messages, group chat, voice group chats, video group conferences, chatlog web pages). Rocketchat vs mattermost full#
Full room history provided by the servers (with various security restrictions).
Real security is part of the core protocol: end-to-end encrypted one-to-one or group chats with thousands of participants.Does not require a centralized server, distributed design from the ground up, consistent view on every server ("eventually consistent network").Open standard protocol specification, REST+JSON interface, a simple bot is a few lines of shell script (a complex bot example).
Rocketchat vs mattermost free#
At least 2 GB of free RAM for the server (and whatever you can add for PostgreSQL to make it happy for real life scenario).POSIX-compliant system (tested on Linux & OS X).The user interface of Matrix client Riot.im Less integrations and plugins than other tools.Requires buying a closed-source product past a certain size.
Threaded conversation doesn't show that well. Supports 17 different language translations (including English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Korean & Japanese translations). Support for Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Linux. Unlimited search history & integrations. Native apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux. Self-hosted one-on-one and group messaging, file sharing and search. 1 - 1,000 users - 1 vCPU/cores, 2 GB RAM. Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Debian Buster, CentOS 6+, CentOS 7+, RedHat Enterprise Linux 6+, RedHat Enterprise Linux 7+, Oracle Linux 6+, Oracle Linux 7+.